Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bolinas Museum Mini Show

I took a break from my Peregrine to complete two small pieces--both only 4 inches square--for the Bolinas Museum Holiday Miniature Show. Since most of my paintings take three months, you can imagine how satisfying it has been to finish two pieces in one week.

One painting is a Brown Pelican against clouds. I took my camera when the Blue Angels were flying above San Francisco Bay this fall. The Pelicans were up there too. By chance, I got a good shot that worked with some clouds I had saved last year.

The other is a drawing of a Red-breasted Nuthatch from my own backyard. I took the photo years ago, and believe it or not, I have begun and almost completed three different paintings of this guy and his mate; two in gouache, and one, my only attempt, at oil painting. I was never completely happy with any of them, but I do like this little drawing.

The opening of the exhibition is November 21st, and the show runs through January 3, 2010. Please check the Museum website for hours. The Museum is only open on the weekends.

So now I am back to my Peregrine.

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